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continue using cookiesSouthend, on-Sea
David Lloyd, Snakes Ln, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 6XT
Adults classes Thursday 7:00-8:00pm at the Leigh community centre
Children's classes coming soon.
My first experience with Martial Arts commenced at the age of seven with karate. By the age of eleven I had also joined a boxing club, and spent many years enjoying both disciplines.
My Wing Chun training began in 2004 at a school in the South Essex area, and although I developed an instant passion for Wing Chun, I eventually realised there was much more to the system than I was being given access to and also found many reasons to doubt what I was being taught!
However, in 2011, I was given the opportunity to meet with Sifu Garry McKenzie who answered my ever growing list of queries, leaving me with no further doubt. At that point I was accepted as a student of TWCS.
Since then I have attended a number of seminars and passed my lower and upper Siu Nim Tao levels.